Wednesday, October 22, 2014

8pm Sweet Family Celebration.

My original vision for this 8pm capture was to photograph my adorable (just turned) one year old niece. So sweet and happy… It was a no-brainer. Only problem with this plan - well, Lauren goes to bed at 7pm, and there was no way I was going to mess with that schedule!

So, the other sweet, fun of the night was a special dinner party thrown by sister-in-law and brother… party hats and signature drink included! 

I always try to live in the moment and enjoy these special moments. This image encapsulates a typical moment when my family is together… Me always with the camera, trying to find that perfect, artsy shot (oh, and how I love reflections!) and my brother being his funny self - always making everyone laugh!

It's a perfect fun moment that I am grateful for. I'm so lucky to have an amazing family who likes to LIVE and LOVE. (And eat, drink and be merry!)



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