Saturday, March 22, 2014

A Moment In Time - 5am - Still Kitchen.

Visiting my family, I conjured up a few different ideas the night before, but my favorite ended up being the below - a quite a simple photo.

There were many others that I took that were a little more busy (i.e. dinner dishes from a lovely dinner the night prior) or contrived (i.e. a selfie inspired by my niece Suzy), but this one really speaks to me….

Even though my brother was already awake before 5am! (without an alarm…. I almost took a photo of him enjoying viewing something on his i-Pad), there still was such quiet in the house. I was drawn to the kitchen.

I've always appreciated my sister-in-law's style and have always loved this ladle in the kitchen.  And I love that the colors around the kitchen seem to revolve around this small, copper ladle.

It was still and beautiful. Simple and quiet.

Ridgewood, NJ.


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