Thursday, June 7, 2012

Grateful For My May Running Views

During the month of May, I started to run again (almost) every day and felt so fortunate for the many beautiful things along my path (whether home in Chicago or in various destinations while traveling).

I diligently posted these pictures on Facebook, but realized that I neglected to put some of them here... So below is a little compilation of my favorites, along with the words I wrote on Facebook when I shared.


May 2nd - "I'm grateful to have this view for my morning run."

May 4th - "Again, grateful."

May 7th - "I'm grateful for the many flowers that surround me and bring beauty to my every day. Make it a great day... full of gratefulness!"

May 8th - "Lucky, here comes the sun!"

May 11th - "Grateful for my new run views full of roses this morning.... Thanks Patrick and Ruel!" (Pasadena, CA)

May 15th - "Another beauty."

May 20th - "My great view on my run up the steps Rocky style." — with Rene Tamayo at Philadelphia Museum of Art.

May 22nd - "Grateful to always see something beautiful on my daily run. Today it was this...."

May 23rd - "Remember that pretty flower I was grateful for yesterday? Now look at it today...."

May 25th - "These views will never get dull! Enjoy your views this weekend!"

May 27th - "The inside beauty of a flower. Thank you Franny for the Ollo Clip which enabled me to get this macro shot. I love it!"

May 28th (Memorial Day) - "Grateful to those who have fought for this country and my heart goes out to the families who have lost loved ones."

May 29th - "Game On! over... But I'm still at it! Feeling a little bit like this bird... Light and free."

May 30th - "Running around our beautiful Capitol today."



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