Sunday, February 12, 2012

Black and White - From Snapshots to Great Shots

I'm long overdue on sharing some thoughts on a book published about six months ago: Black and White - From Snapshots to Great Shots that was written by someone I consider a mentor in the world of photography - John Batdorff.

I was fortunate to take two workshops with John - the first in Chicago and the second in the beautiful west. What I have loved about John's workshops is the intimate setting - both workshops were comprised of less than 6 people - and his thorough yet concise teaching style (tailored to the needs of each individual). 

Black and White - From Snapshots to Great Shots, brings me back to that feeling of being taught in person. Whether you are a beginner or intermediate photographer you will walk away with great knowledge not only on black and white photography, but some tips on capturing and processing images in general. I highly suggest it!

Below are some photos taken on the second workshop utilizing John's tips - similar to those relayed in the book. Enjoy!

Yellowstone, WY.


Anonymous February 13, 2012 at 10:38 AM  

Beautiful b/w's Sarah :)


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