Monday, September 2, 2013

39 Goals --> 40 - The Official List. (Updated - September 18th)

Update: September 18th, 2013-

A few of you called me out (including Jeff in the comments below) on #24 - which you very well should have - "Save a whale in Lake Michigan" :-). I was playing with all of you!

I have since changed it (see below) to "Become Chief World Explorer for Jauntaroo". (Click here if you have no idea what I am talking about.)

And here we (continue to) go.....


I turned 39 today and in honor of my 40th year, I've created 39 goals to live by.... with the overall goal to ultimately be a healthier and more full me as I approach the big 4-0.

I'm deliberately sharing with all of you, so you can hold me accountable.... so keep me in check!

Of course there will be documenting along the way, so I bring you my first image of accomplishing #3 for today... I hope you come along with me on my journey this next year!

1. Create a Kickstarter Project.
2. Embrace cardio - at least three times a week - 90 minutes total (over three days).
3. Photo A Day - no rules - just share a photo that makes me smile and I can be proud of.
4. Participate (as a participant) in at least one fundraising event.
5. Take a multi-vitamin every day.
6. Have at least one visit with each of my childhood friends.
7. Spend at least three hours a week on education.
8. Give to a street performer 39 times in the year.
9. Watch the sunrise once a week.
10. Drink at least four big glasses of water a day.
11. Run a half marathon.
12. Build out Pinterest.
13. Eat at least three salads a week.
14. Purge of possessions (i.e. clothes) at least once - big!
15. Plant an herbal garden.
16. Attend at least four networking events.
17. Keep consistent back-ups of files/photos - at least once a month.
18. Make and hang prints in living room.
19. Read each National Geographic - cover to cover for issues September 2013 to September 2014.
20. Find more focus on strategy and vision for philanthropic, photojournalism dream.
21. Buy Streetwise magazine from homeless - every time approached.
22. Give at least one donation a month.
23. Put my feet in the sand at least once a month.
24. Save a whale in Lake Michigan.  Become Chief World Explorer for Jauntaroo. 
25. Submit photographs to four contests.
26. Dig up old photos/prints - organize and digitalize. 
27. Recycle unused electronics and other items.
28. Remove cell phone from bedroom - replace with an alarm clock.
29. Obtain an Illinois driver's license (yep - I've still got NY!).
30. Actively vote on three local initiatives.
31. Be aware of letting go of the small (and sometimes big) things! 
32. Write four traditional letters a month (and send snail mail).
33. Re-connect with a childhood mentor/influential person - and tell them how awesome they are.
34. Write four letters (one a quarter) highlighting a customer service positive experience.
35. See live music four times.
36. Go to a museum at least four times.
37. Say thank you four times a day and give a compliment to someone once a day.
38. Write a letter to each one of my nieces and nephews (and send snail mail) at least twice.
39. Live each day to the very fullest - enjoying the beauty of each day.

Photo A Day - #1. (Taken with i-Phone 5)


Molly is Fast September 3, 2013 at 2:04 PM  

i love you and i love this. it's such an inspiring way to spend your year. and i'm game for assisting in any way that i can. (and don't be surprised if i jump on board with this idea). what an amazing year YOU are engineering for yourself!

Unknown September 3, 2013 at 8:26 PM  

I love this but I'm calling you out on #24!

Sarah Coniglio September 4, 2013 at 9:16 AM  

Wow - Molly, thank you so much for your sweet, sweet words! Appreciate every single one and love you coming on the journey with me!

Sarah Coniglio September 4, 2013 at 9:19 AM  

Ding, ding, ding.... Jeff Shuck - you are the first to catch #24! Was having a little fun with you all!

Thanks for so thoroughly reading them through!

Thinking up a real one to replace it... stay tuned. :)


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