Monday, April 16, 2012

Documenting My Africa Journey: Mathare Slum - Part One

I had the amazing opportunity to meet 31 children and their 3 teachers in the Mathare slums at the Mathare Early Childhood Development Centre a few weeks ago. I took many photos of the school, the environment and also took portraits of each child which I am printing up, so they have a hard copy of a picture of themselves.

It is so hard to describe the many emotions I had as I walked through and took hundreds of photos. I still can't believe that people live in such squalor yet can be as happy as these children and their teachers.

Below is Part One of sampling of my day. The work that We the Change Foundation is doing is so inspirational... I am truly humbled every time I think about it.

This is their "playground".... right outside of the classroom.

The incredible teachers... Such personality and LOVE for the children.

Perspiration from the games played...

The classroom... No bigger than 15X15 for 31 children.

Standing in line patiently waiting to get their portraits taken.

One of the portraits... Look how cute this little guy is?!

Having fun with the camera.



J's Daily Videos April 16, 2012 at 3:45 PM  

Great Photos. Red really pops out.

PS- Aren't they really hot in those sweaters?

Jessica April 24, 2012 at 11:29 AM  

I love the bottom one- with the 4 boys. I feel like you can just see the little "spirit" in them. That beautiful rascal inside each little kid that everyone loves to hate. The kds with spirit like that are always my favorites. I think because my brother is like that, still! :)


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